Todd Wacks, aka "Tucson Todd"

The Crystal Machinist

G.J.G., A.J.A., G.P., A.J.P. (GIA)

Unearthing Beauty: The Passionate World of Todd Wacks
Todd does not merely view his craft as a profession; he sees it as a way of life. His unwavering love for gems has led him on a remarkable journey, characterized by the relentless pursuit of exotic rough and the meticulous art of transforming them into resplendent, faceted gems.
Hailing from the bewitching deserts of Tucson, Arizona, Todd's connection to gemology runs deep, rooted in his upbringing amidst the luminous landscapes of the Southwest.

For Todd, the thrill of the hunt for exotic rough is akin to a treasure quest, where each discovery holds the promise of hidden beauty waiting to be unlocked. His relentless search takes him to the far reaches of the globe, where he unearths rough crystals that speak to him, sparking the creative process that will eventually reveal their inner brilliance.

But Todd's artistry doesn't end with the discovery of these raw, uncut gems. Delving deep into the intricate process of "machining," he meticulously refines these rough stones, carving and polishing them until they exude an unparalleled allure. His skillful hands and keen eye for detail breathe life into each gem, transforming them into exquisite, faceted masterpieces that mesmerize all who behold them. Todd is driven by an inexhaustible passion for unearthing, shaping, and sharing the captivating beauty of gems. His journey is a testament to the profound impact of heritage and the unwavering pursuit of excellence in a craft that is, to him, nothing short of life itself.